Emese Pálovics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Emese Pálovics graduated from the University of Technology “Traian Vuia” of Timisoara in 1990 as a chemical engineer. Since 1994, she has been a scientific assistant at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in a research group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at the Department of Organic Chemical Technology working on crown ethers and organophosphorus compounds. Since 2004, she has been working with Prof. Elemér Fogassy as senior research fellow, in the field of optical resolution. She earned her PhD in 2009, which studied structurally related compounds with common skeleton in the resolution processes. She is the co-author of 45 papers (the majority of which appeared in international journals), and three patents.
Abstract : A presumable mechanism of the separation of diastereomeric- and enantiomeric mixtures